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Monday, August 31, 2009


Global warming refer to an increase in average global temperatures. Natural events and human activities are believe to be contributing to an increase in overage temperatures. This is caused primarily by increases in greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide.

Effect of the global warming

  • can rapid changes in global temperatures - feared to contribute to an overall warming of the earth's climate, leading to global warming.
  • even though some regions may experience cooling, or wetter weather, while the temperatures of the planet an overage would rise.
  • it also could rising sea levels, water expands when heated, and sea levels are expected to rise due to climate change.
  • Most scientists believe that the warming of the climate will lead to more extreme weather patterns such as hurricanes, drought, longer spell of dry heat, intense rain and glaciers could retreat coursing water in the long run.
Cause of the global warming have two groups,

there are man-made or anthropogenic causes
  • human do the pollution. Burning fossil fuels is one thing that causes pollution.
  • causes from the transport and factory, that means more methane because there will be more burning of fossil fuel.
  • the tree that convert our oxygen are being demolished because we're using the land that we cut tree down the natural causes
  • created by nature cause is a release of methane gas from Attic tundra and wetlands.
  • Another cause is that the earth goes through a cycle of climate change.

Friday, August 14, 2009


Gothic have many subcultures with the gothic movement and there are many styles of gothic fashion, but the mainstream Gothic Girls look typically consists of sories. The most common gothic outfits have a morbid, dreary or romantic look. Frequently you'll see elegant dark gowns, short black shirts, corsets, veils, gloves, fishnet stockings and boots.If you're not into dresses goth girls can also wear tight fitting trousers, boots and lots of buckles or safety pins.
Popular hair colors are black-blue or color streaks or block of color likeblue, purple green or red. Black eyeliner is a gothic staple and worn around the eyes
The romantic goth is a subcategory of Goths. These people are usually deep-thinkers and passionate. Often they have been hurt by a loved one at some stage in their life, an event that has deeply affected their worldview. They usually do not wear black exclusively but instead favor elaborate corset gowns with lace and velvet, brocade or satin. Reminiscent of Old Victorian clothing from the 17th century the colors are black, dark blue, deep purple and blood red.

Goths have a fascination with medieval, Victorian and Edwardian history which really showns in the romantic Goths clothing styles.Another sub culture of the gothic movement is the vampire or vampiric style that exemplifies grief, mourning, despair and death.

Vampires often believe human existence is without objective meaning or purpose. Vampire goth style is expressed by wearing black eye shadow, morbid pale white skin and either shroud like clothing or elaborate gowns. Quite often their attire is seductive in nature.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Let's Try Our Communication Skills!!!

In our team-oriented workplace culture,the development of good interpersonal communication skills is one of an important key to success.So,how to improve your communication skills?

Firstly,stay focused your point of view.Try not to talk about sensitive or unrelated topics.Stay focused on the present,your feeling,understanding one another and finding a solution.In other hands ,listen carefully to other speaker.Do not be too defensive of yourself.just hear them and reflect back what they are saying so they know you are listen to them.Then,you will understand them better and they will be more willing to listen to you as well.

In reality,active listener will also give the other speaker time to think as well as to talk and also make eye contact.There are some of benefits of being active listener include stronger trust to each other,fewer conflicts,better relationships and greater happiness.

In conclusion,communication is only success when both parties understand the same information as a result of the communication.Being able to communicate effectively is essential if you want o build a successful career and good life achievement.Good luck!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


  • Migration refers to movement of an individual from their home country to another country.

Two main movement of individuals into a country:-
  • Immigration - the movement of individuals into a country.

  • Emigration - the movement of individuals from their home country.

Migration makes
a significant contribution to the growth of urban areas.

The reason why people move because
  • push factor - are whaat pushes them away from home like war or lack of safety
  • pull factor - is the reasons people move to a particular areas like find better servises or more fertile land
  • some people choose to migrate to another country are to enchange their career opportunities
  • to find a better quality of live or to be closer to family.
some of effect migration are can cause.
  • it will change population distribution.
  • it also has contributed to the evolution and development of separate cultures
  • it also will contributed to the diffussion to the diffusion of cultures by interchanges communication

Malaysia present is a receiving
country for large low skilled foreign labour. Indonesia,Nepal and India are example for the large country to Malaysia. Foreign workers with work permit increased to 1.7 million in 2005 with the manufacturing sector as the large employer, accourting for 31.0 percent. The number of foreign labour increased to 35,480 whom 52.6 percent were in the servise sector 1. March 2006, there are 1,850,063 workers migration in Malaysia. About 15 countries now supply workers in various employment sector in Malaysia. The large country are Indonesia (65.7%) followed by Nepal (10.8%) and India (7.6%) and the other country as the table and pie chart.

The conclusion the migration will always increased with cause happen. It will not surprise if the statistic of migration will be always increased by next time or fucture.