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Tuesday, August 4, 2009


  • Migration refers to movement of an individual from their home country to another country.

Two main movement of individuals into a country:-
  • Immigration - the movement of individuals into a country.

  • Emigration - the movement of individuals from their home country.

Migration makes
a significant contribution to the growth of urban areas.

The reason why people move because
  • push factor - are whaat pushes them away from home like war or lack of safety
  • pull factor - is the reasons people move to a particular areas like find better servises or more fertile land
  • some people choose to migrate to another country are to enchange their career opportunities
  • to find a better quality of live or to be closer to family.
some of effect migration are can cause.
  • it will change population distribution.
  • it also has contributed to the evolution and development of separate cultures
  • it also will contributed to the diffussion to the diffusion of cultures by interchanges communication

Malaysia present is a receiving
country for large low skilled foreign labour. Indonesia,Nepal and India are example for the large country to Malaysia. Foreign workers with work permit increased to 1.7 million in 2005 with the manufacturing sector as the large employer, accourting for 31.0 percent. The number of foreign labour increased to 35,480 whom 52.6 percent were in the servise sector 1. March 2006, there are 1,850,063 workers migration in Malaysia. About 15 countries now supply workers in various employment sector in Malaysia. The large country are Indonesia (65.7%) followed by Nepal (10.8%) and India (7.6%) and the other country as the table and pie chart.

The conclusion the migration will always increased with cause happen. It will not surprise if the statistic of migration will be always increased by next time or fucture.