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Saturday, October 10, 2009


Hi friend, i would like to share with all of you about how to become the best orator. An orator is a person in love affair with the crowd. Great orators use virous of techniques such as the call and respones or the exalted tone. With practice you can be a good orator if you want too. To be a good orator you have to be more confidence, conviction and also coherence. In other hands you have to connect with you audiences on many levels. Great orators able to make you cry or smile in their speech.

Here are some easy to implement for reducing your stage fright:

-Pretend you are just chatting with a group of friendsl.
-Concentrate on how good you are at public speaking.
-Close your eyes and imagine the audience listening, laughing, and applauding.
-Think about your love for and desire to help the audience.
-Rememmber happy moments from your past.

Do you know? In our country also have a good orator known as Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. He was an ex-Prime Minister in Malaysia. Most peoples either in Malaysia or from other countries very proud and respect to him especially when he giving his speech.His speech very constructive and he always giving interesting information. This is because he very is very confidence and thinking positively. Morever, he never afraid to take any challange and bravely suggests a lot of ideas to develop his country. For example, he was take over mega project in his ruling era such as Kuala Lumpur project City Centre (KLCC), Twin Tower PETRONAS, Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and Multimedia Super Corridor (Multimedia super Coridor / MSC), which eventually becoming symbol people's pride and accepted by many country.

His best achievement was his capacity maintain inside peace and peace a multiple country race through poor category increase be Malay middle class so obvious. He also try to raise government service standard by introduce a system known as`punch-card' among government officers really open society's eyes. People given priority. Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad motivates people for `look to East' to achieve progress from education, technology and mentality aspect. Malaysia begins to be world attention with a brave leader voiced the opinion although contrary to western country leaders.

Remember! Nobody ever died from speaking in public and stage fright usually goes away after you start. You never know which ones will work best until you try. Use Tun Dr Mahathir as your role model. Strive for excellences